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Climate change & Sustainability
Climate change & Sustainability VAIA goes to Fuorisalone 27 September 2021
What more eagerly awaited event for Italian design than the Salone del Mobile-Fuorisalone? Exceptionally scheduled for September 2021, in anticipation of the traditional annual appointment in April, this edition of the design kermesse had a very special flavour for us: VAIA set up its own exhibition stand in its incomparable setting, and presented its second […]
Climate change & Sustainability Why do we plant new trees? 25 June 2021
There are now numerous international commitments to reforestation. The Billion Tree Campaign launched by the UN Environment Programme in 2006 was followed by the Bonn Challenge in 2011 and by the One Trillion Trees Initiative, launched at the World Economic Forum 2020. Planting a new tree is an important action that we fully support: to […]
Climate change & Sustainability The line and the circle: two viewpoints on economic thought 4 February 2021
The upheavals of 2020 have accelerated the changing pace at which we live and create new products and services.  In the background, stand two simple geometric figures. The line characterises supply chains that start with the extraction of virgin materials, and which ultimately see the product as waste. The circle accompanies the thought that every output of one production […]